Neeraj Vashistha

Days at Tech Mahindra

27 Sep 2016

To be vaguely precise, nobody is happy with what they are doing, I can say I am a workaholic but, those who claim must ask themselves, do they really love work?, or are proud to be called Workaholic?, and the obvious answer would be everyone need some time to enjoy, and that’s the very direction I don’t want anybody to be on my side.

I am not saying enjoying is bad but, if you ask yourself this, do you not enjoy when you work? The obvious answer would be how can one enjoy when one is working. All this time in Tech Mahindra, I meet such people who take out time just to enjoy, may be they are doing so because they have never enjoyed the work, or I can say they have never worked.

My mind and heart is in great apathy now.